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Local Farmer Funding Opportunity

Phase 2 – CSA/SNAP Expansion (7/1/2024 – 9/30/2024)

Local Farmer and Partner Funding Opportunity #2

Farmer and Partner Application

Applications for the 2nd round of CSA/SNAP expansion will be released by May 1, 2024.
Applications will be received via the posted form until June 30, 2024.

Application notices will be sent by the Garrett County Health Department in the following manner: posted directly on or as a link on, and sent via email newsletter (subscription form available on the GCHD homepage here:

Phase 1 – CSA/SNAP Implementation (10/1/2023 – 6/30/2024)

Local Farmer Funding Opportunity

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new opportunity for our local farms. We’re looking for vegetable and specialty meat farmers who are interested in working with the Garrett County Health Department to receive financial and technical support to expand farming infrastructure. 

This new grant is designed for us to take additional farmers who are considering trying to sell produce, those who want to expand to offer larger quantities or different types of produce, begin their own CSA or join an existing network and accept SNAP so that more farmers benefit and more people who use SNAP get more produce. We’re open to many different ideas and want to work with new people! 

Food and nutrition security are complex issues that take multiple agencies, community partners, and volunteers who are willing to work together. 

If you have any questions, please email or call Shelley Argabrite at [email protected] or 301-501-6161.

We are anticipating an in-person event on October 26, 2023 at 6:30pm in the conference room of the Garrett County Health Department (Oakland).

Printable Flyer:

External/Shared Funding Distributions – Phase 1 (10/1/2023 – 6/30/2024)

$2,500Infrastructure Stipend, Competitive AwardAllison Boyd, Honey Moon Farm
$2,500 Infrastructure Stipend, Competitive AwardKatharine Dubansky, Backbone Food Farm
$2,500 Infrastructure Stipend, Competitive AwardLarry Tichnell, Ma & Pa’s Country Store
$2,500Infrastructure StipendChef Scardina, Garrett County Public Schools
$1,000Food Preparation ToolsTBD, Shared Spending Category
$1,500SNAP Access TransportationTBD, Shared Spending Category
$2,402Marketing and CommunicatonsTBD, Shared Spending Category

Statistics: 15 Interest Forms Submitted for the In-Person Event, 4 Farm Readiness Forms Submitted (3 Maryland, 1 Pennsylvania [Ineligible for MDH Funds]). All 3 Maryland applicants who completed the Farm Infrastructure Readiness Form (for competitive awards) were funded.

This funding opportunity is being administered by the Garrett County Health Department.

The Maryland Department of Health, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control (Center), awarded the Garrett County Health Department’s Population Health, Informatics & Innovation Unit an award through a competitive process to work within the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project.

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